Planting Seeds of Promise

At Jubilee, we believe that God has planted seeds of promise within each child. As we nurture those seeds of promise and potential, we get to watch our amazing children blossom and bloom, from the inside out!

Each year, everyone (even the toddlers) takes part in planting, nurturing and harvesting our “Jubilee Salvation Garden”. We see examples daily of what it takes for our plants (and ourselves) to grow, blossom and bloom where we are planted!

God shows us daily practical life lessons about weeds that creep up, bad critters and helpful ones, sunshine, water and all the care that goes into a garden in order to harvest wonderful vegetables and beautiful flowers. We are able to talk about how these apply to our own lives as God nurtures us to fruition for His Kingdom!

It’s fun and meaningful work!

This year, we are so thankful to the Main Street Rotary Club for giving our garden a complete makeover with a real design including new raised beds and a marvelous mulch pathway!