Volunteer Opportunities

  1. Bring and serve a healthy snack for 16 kiddos at 3:00pm on a weekday.
  2. Bring and serve a healthy small breakfast for 16 kiddos at 7:30am on a weekday.
  1. Help to provide and/or prepare and serve a meal for our monthly Parent Night at 6pm each third Thursday for whole Jubilee family of ~40 people
  1. Bring a special snack or lunch at 11:20am  for our amazing and self-sacrificing staff of 9
  1. Plan and share an arts and craft or other hands-on project for all 17, ages 2-6
  1. Offer to run errands for an hour any morning for office manager or director
  1. Mow grass and weed eat
  1. Help collect Box Tops and Labels for Education for Jubilee
  1. Wash dishes after lunch at 12:15
  1. Offer music lessons during afternoons
  1. Help with Jubilee Garden in the fall and spring
  1. Help with maintenance project
  2. Host a learning field trip
  3. Host a Jubilee small group coffee or tea
  1. Jubilee Action Heroes! Be a hero or heroine by spending a few hours, doing something fun with a kiddo or two on the weekend while a mom has to work or just needs a break! Many of our moms DO NOT have trustworthy childcare for even a few hours – This volunteer position requires an application and a background check. This is a very intentional ministry service and will include guidelines along with an understanding of our Jubilee Policies.  You have the potential of being a tremendous blessing to a family, while receiving a great blessing!
  1. Become a Jubilee Encourager! Our faculty and staff need to be encouraged, prayed for, sent a note, and remembered on special days as they sacrifice daily on this intense mission field! Become an encouragement to a parent who is trying hard to learn God’s ways while struggling with overwhelming challenges! Become an encouraging pen pal with one of our Jubilee students!
  1. Join the On-Call Team! Willing to answer a call for help, if available, at any time. There are many times when we may need help with transportation, or someone to run to the store, or an extra chaperone for an outing or someone to take a kiddo to ball practice or …… any of life’s activities that requires another hand and foot.
  1. Prayer Partners NEEDED!! 24/7/365